
Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Resolutions, Goals, Guidelines

Happy 2017!  Sorry for the long gaps in posting. One of my goals for January is to post on a more consistent basis. It may be more along the lines of a guideline rather than an actual resolution!
January 2017 Intentions in Composition Notebook

I no longer make New Year's Resolutions.  It seems like a great idea to make plans to live a better life. So I try to do this on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.  Because I am 'goal oriented', my list is usually formatted as goals or intentions.

Here is an overview list that I made. It is in the back of one of my art journals and I can refer to it when I make a new page of resolutions.  From this big-topic list, I make specific goals.  For example, on my January 2017 Intentions page posted above, I am choosing to be more mindful about my level of exercise.  This is stated with the goal of increasing the difficulty of my exercising throughout the month.  The time that will be spent on the exercise did not change from the previous month but I stated it just so I'd know what I am expecting of myself.  It may sound silly to have to write it down.  However, this helps me to stay focused.  And when it comes to exercise, every bit of focus helps!

Even though this isn't a goal or intention, I thought I would share my meal planning page for the next two weeks.  It is in the back of my regular planner so it is very handy. Meal planning is an ongoing thing that I do and it helps me with shopping and health goals.

Wishing you the very best in 2017!