
Monday, July 2, 2012

Coloring Supplies Catalog - Free Printable Document

Catalog Pages For Coloring Agents, Glitters, Flocks
It is embarrassing and frustrating to me to stand in a craft store aisle and wonder if I already own the thing I am ogling?  After I convince myself I MUST Have It and excitedly rush home to place it lovingly next to the others in the family (think punches hung on wall as a sort of family tree homage - use your imagination to play along with my metaphor,) I discover we have twins! Yep, I already bought an identical one on an earlier (poorly remembered) shopping expedition or online trip to one of my many favorite retailers.  Nerts!  Now I have to return it or gift it to someone.

Enter the Inventory Catalog to the rescue! My memory is not getting any better as I get older.  So I need as much help as I can get.  I made one of these about 15 years ago but forgot about it over the years as it was moved from house to house and shelved with a lot of other notebooks.  See what I mean about my memory?

This one will be used!

Paints, Glitter Glues, Mists, Alcohols Stored in Drawer
I have been working on cataloging my stamps and posted about that here.  This catalog is for the Rest of my papercrafting supplies.  Today's post is about things that add color to the project; such as ink pads, reinkers, markers, embossing powders, etc.  I had started cataloging items by manufacturer a couple of years ago, but only did certain items.  This is a more comprehensive compendium.  Actually, I will have catalogs - one by color and theme and one much smaller one by manufacturer to use as a shopping reference.

As it evolves into a working/workable book for me to record my tools and other papercrafting miscellany I will make the necessary modifications.  Because I don't need identical triplet Martha Stewart Medium Royal Butterfly punches.  Yes. It happened. Not once, but twice!

Glitters, Flower Soft, Pearl Ex, Flocks
In case you noticed that I had not posted much lately, it is because cataloging all of these things has taken a lot of time.  It may not be necessary for everyone to do this, but I feel much relieved that this section is done.  It lets me be a better consumer.  I found that many of my items were no longer usable or that I had run out of some things that I use frequently.  Hopefully, it will eliminate unnecessary purchases.

The other goal for me, with the color part of the catalog, is to spark creativity by reminding me about products that I normally skip over for the familiar ones that I go to time and time again.  It was a bit surprising to find that I had not even opened some of the jars of Pearl Ex or bottles of paint!

If you are interested in making your own catalog, please feel free to print the document I created and uploaded to MediaFire, posted below.  Please modify it in a way that works well for you.  I have also posted a couple of links to some inventory type supply lists that may be helpful to you in inventorying your supplies.

Thank you for visiting today!

Printable Catalog Sheet - Set the margins to the narrowest size to fit document on one page - Twinkling H2oS chart

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