
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Spice Jars For Embellishments

A few years ago I bought a couple dozen Rajtan spice jars from Ikea to use to store scrapbooking/stamping embellishments.  I loved how cute the buttons, brads, bows, etc. looked in them.  Then I under-took a major  home-office reorganization and converted most of my stuff to The Scraprack storage system.  I am just about done with the challenge of getting it organized.  This left me with lots of jars and other containers that I no longer need in my craftroom/office.  This led me to do some Google searches for ways to use my jars. Guess what?  I decided to use them for their original purpose!  Spices!  It is because of this picture that I chose to re-purpose my re-purposed jars.

Now my jars are in the kitchen.  However, I thought that maybe someone might be looking for embellishment storage ideas.... so I am sharing my wall o'spice because it could just as easily be a wall o'scrappin goodies.

And the glass jars that the Penzey's spices came in?
Martha Stewart Glitter in Spice Jars
They went into my crafting area!  They are a good size to put glitter in.  I find it very difficult to put leftover glitter back in the little vial in which the glitter comes packaged.  Someone may be wondering why I didn't just skip the spice idea and go straight to glitter in the Rajtan jars?  That would have been too easy.  This circuitous route was more fun. And I love the new spice 'rack' in the kitchen.

Does anyone else re-organize periodically? Or is it just me?

Thank you for stopping by today!


  1. Very nearly went crazy for the empty spice jars at my local Penzey's... then realized I don't have anything yet to put in them... oh, well... I'll just hold tight... they will still be there and waiting....

    1. Jars are so great for so many things. You are lucky to have Penzey's nearby for when you need them! Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I appreciate you stopping by! Beverly
