
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Video of The New CTMH Consultant's Kit for Scrapbookers

I made this video because one of my long distance customers was curious about the contents of the kit. Then it occurred to me that other people may want to see the new items as well. There are two kits, this one is geared towards scrapbookers.  The other kit is for card makers.  I hope to have a video posted, in about two weeks, that shows the items for the card kit.  Both kits can be used by scrapbookers and card makers alike, though.

The layouts in the video are from the new Chalk It Up Workshop On The Go.  All of the new products are currently available to consultants and will be available to customers beginning August 1, 2014.  (Except for the new CTMH/Cricut cartridge, which doesn't have a release date yet.)

The kit is $99 and is worth about $370.  New consultants can get the kit for FREE if they meet their Straight to the Top sales goal in the first 90 days after signing up with CTMH.  Please email me at with any questions or check out the information posted by CTMH here.

Thank you for visiting!

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