
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Wellness Journal Part B: Occupational and Intellectual Wellness as Related to Crafting (a Better Life)

My workspace
On Friday's post, here, there was a link to the University of California's Riverside campus. They have outlined seven dimensions of wellness. Today, this post is specifically about including Occupational and Intellectual Wellness as related to crafting. And, for me, that makes for a Better Life.

Wellness Journal Part B

It makes sense to include things that make me happy in a wellness journal. Mainly because I am more likely to slog through unpleasant things (exercise!) if I get to reward myself with things that bring me joy (paper crafting and quilting!) 

Gardening is another area where one can meet their Occupational Wellness goals

Occupational Wellness

To read about this more fully, please visit the UCR website here.  They explain about work/home balance and the importance of working at something that you enjoy. I was an elementary school teacher for a decade.  I Loved teaching! I Loved my students and for most of that time, I Loved going to work every day. It was great until I decided to become a Principal. After completing the coursework necessary to apply for state certification, I found that I needed to change careers because I dreaded going to work each day. I still loved the students and teaching, just not the stuff that goes along with middle-level management. Why am I writing all of this? Because sometimes we forget that we can change our direction and head down a new path. So that is my call out to those who are worried about being labeled 'quitters'. You are free to make the choice to be a 'starter', instead.

Hubby's computer is surrounded by my craft stuff

Peonies from my yard

Intellectual Wellness

The link for more information on Intellectual Wellness is here. The main takeaway for me is this sentence:
As you develop your intellectual curiosity, you'll actively strive to expand and challenge your mind with creative endeavors.
Isn't that great? Someone, No, A University, told us that we should be pursuing creative endeavors!  I love that!  Now only if they could fund it. Or convince my hubby that it should be a line item in our budget. 😉

So back to how this fits into a Wellness Journal...
If you are gathering your thoughts and materials to make your own journal, you may want to give some space in your journal for including things that contribute to these two dimensions of wellness. You have likely thought of the Physical, Spiritual, and Emotional wellness aspects but maybe not the Occupational and Intellectual. Maybe figure out a way to include your craft time in your journal.  It has value if it is important to you.

My Wellness Journal will be posted later this week. I wanted to give people enough time to get their heads around the ideas and have time for shopping their stash.

Thank you for stopping by! I'd love to hear what you think about wellness and or journaling. Please comment below or send me an email at

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