
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Use Your Craft to Help Others

During the past few months, I have been creating things as much for my own sanity as well as to donate to others. I wanted to use my crafting skills to help others. At first it was masks. As a bonus, this was a great way to use up large fabric scraps as I continue to downsize.

Masks for Multnomah County Health Department

Masks for family and neighbors - no elastic phase

We made signs to show our appreciation for the Essential Workers living in or traveling through our neighborhood.

Then I started making quilt tops and stuffed animals for local charities. The quilts shown below are pictured as works in progress. They will be donated through my local American Sewing Guild Chapter to families who have a member who is facing terminal illness or other end of life scenarios.

These stuffed animals are also to be donated through my ASG Chapter. They will be collected later this Autumn. If they look familiar, it may be that I posted the original ones which were made for my granddaughter on an earlier post. These are new - but are the same designs from Urban Threads.

And now I am working on cards. Some of those will be posted in the near future. Many of you have probably found yourselves in a similar situation while you have been sheltering in place at home. And maybe you have had other things to do, too. My husband is an essential worker and for that we are very thankful that he has an ongoing job. But, truthfully, in the beginning I was a little apprehensive about him getting sick. Thankfully, we are very fortunate that we are all healthy and also that my daughter transitioned to learning at home without any hiccups! My family is truly blessed. 

 Where to donate

Maybe your community no longer needs donations and you would still like to help. If you are looking for new places in which to donate your talents and creations.  Here is a short list of organizations that can use our help:

The Navajo Nation is in need of masks and other items.

JoAnn’s is collecting cloth masks.

Love for the Elderly. Send a handwritten card.

Cards for Kindness is collecting blank cards.

Bee a Blessing Card Drive is collecting handwritten cards for medical staff and senior citizens.

Please share the names and links if you know of additional places in need of donations. Whether you are a card maker or a quilter or are just getting started with finding your preferred creative way to make the world brighter, please know that many places will be happy to accept your donations. We are in this together. 
Stay safe and stay healthy.
All my best,

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