
Monday, May 16, 2022

Cat Hand Tree Collage Quilt

 You may be saying, "What in the world is a Cat Hand Tree Collage Quilt?" or possibly, "Why would anyone want one?"  I wanted to make an original collage quilt. It started as a tree. I feel like there is some powerful symbolism in hands and like to incorporate them in my work when I can. And, I have a lot of cat fabrics. And that is the shortish answer to those questions.

Emerson As A Pillow

Many years ago, I took a collage quilt class with Laura Heine and made a very cute puppy, named Emerson. Her use of bright colors fused together makes for a happy project. The pattern is available through her website, here.  It was patterned as a wall hanging but I turned mine into a pillow and see it every day, as he sits on the mudroom bench. 

Tree Collage Quilt

Using the collage technique, that I sort of remembered from the class, I drew a tree-like shape and then searched for fabrics in my stash to cut up. Rainbow colors are always fun to use and ROY G BIV placement is usually successful.  

Some help

My cat routinely tries to supervise. Does it look like there is a halo over his head? He is not as angelic as he appears and, in fact, moved some of the pieces around when flicking his tail.

Cat Tree Collage Quilt

For my first attempt at an original collage design, I am not unhappy with it. 

Thanks for stopping by today!

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