Stack N Whack Started in 1999? Finished in 2013 |
Lately, it seems like I am playing catch-up with long overlooked projects. Last year, I promised myself that I could take on new quilts (translation = Go Shopping!) if I finished some of the older projects that had been neglected for over a decade.
Thimbleberries Club Summertime 2002 - Finished 2013 |
In working with these old friends, I thought I might figure out what 'style' of quilter I am. Nope.
Hopscotch Christmas Quilt Started 2001
These quilts show that I do not really have one style of pattern or fabric that I gravitate towards. Apparently, I love all kinds of fabrics. Including some that aren't very well suited for my climate. The Bull's Eye Quilt pictured below is made with flannel fabric.
Bullseye Started 2000? Finished 2013 |
It sounded like a good plan, but implementing it didn't go as I had hoped. :-) Things started out well and I finished four quilts. Then I went shopping and started designing new projects and lost the mojo to complete the UFO's (Unfinished Objects.) It is important to me to get the rest done, so I started up again this month. I just finished quilting and binding the following two quilts this month.
Thimbleberries Starlight Throw - Started in 2001 |
So here I am, a year and a half later with only a half dozen completed quilts to show. But, at least they are now done!
Queen Sized Zuzu's Petal's Quilt - Started in 2002 |
Because it is so hot here in the summer, this is when I am in hibernation-mode. I have a few more tops ready to quilt and bind. One of them is a "New" project! New is relative here, because I started it last year, but when we are talking decades versus years - this is considered new in my book. It was designed by my (then) 8 year old daughter for her bed. It should be done shortly and I'll post it, along with the instructions.
Hopefully, I'll get several more quilts done before the weather cools a bit and I want to go outside again. Thanks for visiting today!